Kitchari is a delicious stew of rice and legumes. Use this spice mix to season your kitchari, or use it in place of curry powder in any dish.
Ingredients: , , , , , , .
This spice mix can be used in making , an Indian comfort food.
1 TBSP , or
1 teaspoon Kitchari Spice Mix
1 cup (uncooked)
3 1/2 cups water
Prepare the kitchari by rinsing in a colander. Then, in a heavy-bottomed stockpot, melt the ghee. Add the washed kitchari and sauté for a couple minutes. Then, add the water, along with the kitchari spice mix. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low, and simmer partly covered for approximately 20 minutes or until it reaches the consistency of a stew. Add more water if needed. Stir occasionally. Pour in bowls and serve hot. Garnish with ghee and cilantro leaves.