A Proctor Silex® Commercial coffee urn is perfect for large groups and gatherings. All commercial coffee urns are commercially rated and NSF listed.
Standard features include:
Brushed aluminum finish is attractive, durable, and cost-effective
Fresh-tasting coffee quickly brewed and then held at the proper serving temperature
Dual heater system center heater brews coffee, then shuts off. Gentle warming heater keeps coffee at a constant serving temperature without overcooking it
Automatic shutoff when water in the tank has completely boiled away
Red indicator light when urn is plugged in
One-hand dispensing fills cups fast to shorten the wait
The water/coffee window makes filling easy and shows you at a glance when coffee level is low. The coffee level tube is easy to remove for cleaning and the metal cover holds the coffee tube in place for easy viewing
Wetting the plastic coffee filter before filling with coffee grounds prevents the coffee grounds from slipping through the coffee filter. Paper coffee filters are not required
Twist-and-lock lid stays in place, if urn is accidentally knocked over, slowing potential spillage